روايات حديثة

Kingdom of werewolves episod 1

  Kingdom of werewolves episode 1

Episode 1

When my mother said don't go out to play in the garden at night, I was seven years old and I didn't know that it was the last time I would see her face and hear her voice.

In our village, whoever goes out to play at night doesn't come back home, but I did. When I came back, I found my mother slaughtered on the stairs, and my father butchered on his bed. The last thing I saw was a huge wolf jumping onto the roof of our house. That same wolf that looked at me as I cried, with a long stare until I saw my reflection in his wide eyes. And despite my loud scream that pierced the silence of the night, no one came to help me until the sun rose.

Death in our town happens all the time and everyone knows the secret. Strange animals attack the roofs of the houses and kill the people and then escape to the forest. The neighbors buried what was left of my parents' bodies and my aunt took care of raising me.

My aunt who had five mean sons who deliberately annoyed me. And I worked in the house like a servant for them, submissive to my aunt's stupid orders who always mocked me and punished me.

And I kept working inside the house like less than a servant until the day I was shopping in the village market and I saw him. A handsome young man wearing a long blue coat and a red scarf, with a brown hat on his head. He was making his way through the market with wide steps and his coat fluttering behind him. I was stunned by his appearance until he came close to me and our eyes met. He passed me without paying attention but I remembered those two wide beautiful eyes that stared at me that fateful night when my parents were killed.

I needed some time to recover myself. Then I threw everything in my hands on the ground and ran after him. He had moved away from me heading to the forest and although he was walking, his speed was faster than me. He disappeared inside the forest.

I didn't stop running. I knew that entering the forest was forbidden but my desire for revenge was bigger. The scary forest swallowed me and I started to hear terrifying and frightening sounds and fast movements that made my body shiver. And I heard distant laughs

Should we kill her?

She is still young, but we can play with her. The voices came closer to me and I saw creatures moving fast that I couldn't identify. Then two huge wolves appeared in front of me, smiling like humans. My body froze from fear and I wet myself. My heart almost stopped working. Then suddenly I heard the sound of tree trunks cracking and the two wolves looked at the source of the sound. It was a very huge wolf coming towards us. When the two wolves saw him, they ran away from the place.

The huge wolf sniffed my whole body with his tongue and I was still like a statue. Wolves like to show them obedience so they don't kill you. Then he turned into a very handsome and elegant young man. He said go back to your home and never come here again. And he pointed with his hand to a path that I took running until it led me to the village.

I returned to the house and I was almost dying from terror. I cleaned myself and my mind was occupied with that young man who saved me inside the forest. I was nineteen years old then and my body had turned into a mature and attractive woman's body. I threw my body on the bed thinking how this young man turned into a werewolf and if he could help me get my revenge.

That night I gathered my clothes and decided to escape.

To be continued
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